Thursday, January 23, 2014


This one is amazing news, one that probably won’t benefit me as much as my kids and their kids if they decide to stay in South Florida. 

One of my biggest complaints (and I am not a complainer, believe me. I love South Florida and am thankful for every day I get to live here!) about South Florida is the lack of public transportation. Coming from my former life in New York, it was a real 180 degree turn and I am still getting used to it after all these years. To take mass transit anywhere in South Florida, multiple connections are needed and possibly 2 means of transportation (like a train to a feeder bus) if it is available to the area you want to go at all. In New York we could take mass transit literally anywhere. It came in handy for me most in going to sporting events, work and to the airport. Most New Yorkers who live in the City don’t own cars, because they don’t need them. Well our regional leaders have finally come together to ask for money to fund a very well laid out plan for the region to take place by 2060. It is called Seven50 (stands for 7 Southeast Florida counties 50 years from now) and addresses so many important issues like climate control/coastal protection, strengthening schools, creating more high tech jobs and reducing traffic. They will do that by improving the mass transit links, creating more walkable areas and bike paths. This will also help lower the obesity rate. So there is a pretty great sounding plan that just needs funding! The 7 counties in South Florida have finally come together to make for a stronger voice in lobbying the state and federal budgets for money. They finally learned a lesson from Northern Florida who has 13 counties working together and they have been successful in securing funding for projects in that area. Maybe it is finally our turn!

Seven50 Plan For South Florida's Future: More Jobs, Better Transit, Climate Response

Orin Rosenfeld
Rosenfeld Realty Advisors
9858 Glades Rd. Suite 209
Boca Raton, FL 33434

Phone: 561-756-1665

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