Monday, December 16, 2013

The Invisible Child... (Con't)

Homelessness and Poverty and our Children

This may seem like overkill to some of you but it is actually one long story that is broken up into 5 parts. While I know it is a lot to read, I think you will learn important things about a very neglected part of our society that is larger and growing faster than anyone knows. While we read about unemployment numbers being at record lows, and foreclosures are down this negativity barely even makes a blip in the way of national news but homelessness can no longer be ignored. The gap between rich and poor has never been so wide and again, it is growing wider very quickly with no end in sight. If this is not dealt with now think where it will be in just 5 years. It is truly heartbreaking that in a country where 50% of food is thrown away that there are so many people going hungry right here in the U.S. not some third world country.

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