Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bit of Hope on One of Winter’s Coldest Days

I cannot tell you how much I want to be reading more of these stories!! This is a story of someone who was unemployed, a cook named Gregory Brandon who lives in Coney Island New York. When I read about his circumstances I can’t help but wonder how many others there are out there like him. He had a job at Resorts World Casino in Queens until he got a hernia. That got him fired since he couldn’t work. Since then he has been looking and that didn’t go very well until the point where this article picks up. He gets an interview, through a city-run career center, and ends up getting a job finally. You see what he goes through, looking for a job, trying to improve his skills and finally prepping for his interview. It is really sad when you have an article like this and someone who gets a $13 hour job as a cook is like winning the lottery. Expectations have been pushed down so low this is what is has come down to. Regardless, anyway you look at this it is a great feel good story. 

I would love to see more of these happening out there and hear about them too, instead of all the terrible ones. Something else worth noting here. The article points out that this took place last week (the fateful interview that is), on the coldest day in more than 100 years. Are you surprised that companies that are growing and looking to hire people were not at home next to their heaters praying for a cold snap? As silly as that sounds that was one of the real reasons given for the slower hiring numbers last month! The very notion of this is an insult to the public’s intelligence. If people need to work or hire people they will unless it is impossible. There is no more leeway out there. Who can afford to lose their job out there today?

Orin Rosenfeld
Rosenfeld Realty Advisors
9858 Glades Rd. Suite 209
Boca Raton, FL 33434

Phone: 561-756-1665

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