Wednesday, August 13, 2014



While it has never been a secret in the real estate community that Jim Batmasian was a bad guy, he paid great sums of money to try and give the impression that he was truly a good guy. That was done by donating money to various organizations. If you recall, he was recently going to host a fund raiser for Rick Scott at his house but for some reason people had a problem with it taking place at a convicted felon's house so they had to scrap that one. Batmasian loves giving money to politicians and public figures who he can get pictures with (they come with the donations). Those pictures decorate the walls of his office and reception area to show everyone how important he is. But he is a convicted felon, who in 2008 pleaded guilty to not paying federal withholding income taxes for employees (and to the tune of $253,513! That is nothing to someone like him and sheds a lot of light about him). That earned him a stint in federal prison. If these new accusations have any merit, he soon will be able to add sexual harassment, bank fraud, and accounting fraud to his resume along with a return to prison. It also seems like he has had a penchant for renting space to brothels and taking personal services from them in exchange for rent or construction, according to his former leasing agent who was involved with the transactions. He is currently being sued by 2 former employees, the former leasing agent and his former Chief Financial Officer, who is being sued by Batmasian. Why does anyone care? Because he owns more than half of Boca Raton and a significant amount of properties in Broward County as well. He has a $100 million dollar line of credit. His black and yellow signs are ubiquitous on Federal Highway in Boca Raton and every commercial leasing agent avoids his properties. The reason is a well earned reputation for not paying them commissions, along with other trades people. With in house counsel, he is always involved in dozens of lawsuits at any given time, it is just how he does business. But now everyone knows and I don't think Jim is very happy today. This will play out for months in the press so start getting used to hearing about it. We will update you when there is a new update. As always thanks for reading and have a great day.

Sex, tax fraud claims made against Boca Raton property owner Batmasian

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