I had to go back a couple of months for this one, but it is still worthy of discussion. While climate change is affecting the entire world, Florida is emerging as the poster child for it in the U.S. Why is that? It is very simple and comes down to one thing: rising water levels. While it sounds simple, as it continues at the current pace South Florida will be 2 feet under water in 2060. While this will cause billions in damages, it will also affect our water supply which comes from the Everglades. Obama used the time here in Florida to visit the Everglades in order to highlight the problem and urge people (Florida politicians, among others) to take steps to counter it. It was not a coincidence that the visit was on Earth Day. Obama has backed up these words with funds, to the tune of $2.2 billion thus far and another $240 million in this year’s budget. It is strange because despite all of this no one really talks about the issue here. But thankfully municipalities, especially in Dade County, are starting to take action now. Building codes are being rewritten to raise building foundations and the like. If you want to see what the future of South Florida will look like just look at the Florida Keys. They have already seen rising water levels and almost all homes are raised up, as are bridges, roads, etc. Since there is no way to stop climate change, we would do well to prepare for it. As always thanks for reading and have a great day.
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