Wednesday, October 29, 2014



West Palm, West Palm, West Palm. What are we going to do with you?? We have to find a way to get some good news for this city. Well there is the new Eat Scene coming to the outside of City Place, and I do know of a new Publix that will be coming to Belvedere Rd. eventually. But this is big and important news and we need to talk about it even though it is negative. South Florida’s economy is surging now, development and redevelopment projects abound and activity in all sectors is up. All over South Florida developers are eyeing vacant tracts of land, old projects that can be redeveloped and reborn. They are looking for bargains and municipalities that will work with them to allow lots of units for their projects, increasing their profits. But West Palm seems to be left out in all this and it is strange. They cannot give away their land and old dilapidated buildings on Broadway, and the blighted areas continue to worsen. That is what is happening right here with the closing of 3 Winn-Dixie grocery stores. They are all located in tough areas, and the residents there will suffer even more now that they won’t have access to a supermarket close to their homes. They will be forced to pay more for their groceries and possibly drive further to get them. 200 people lost their jobs, although some of them might be given jobs at other locations. Now the vote on the baseball stadium at 45th Street looms large. It is a once in a lifetime chance to erase the blight in that area if the project is approved. If not there is another proposal on the table that would be OK but certainly won’t be an attraction that will draw people to the area. It should be noted that despite all this bad news, Jeff Greene the billionaire, is buying up downtown West Palm as fast as he can with big plans to develop it. But that is the one area that really doesn’t need the help. Maybe the Federal Government can be called in to help. It might take something like that to help this city get back on the right track. As always thanks for reading and have a great day.

Grocery chain to close 3 Palm Beach County stores

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