Wednesday, August 27, 2014



Jim Batmasian was back in the press again, on another wrong end of a lawsuit. This one was brought by the condominium association of Palmetto Place at Mizner Park who contends that Batmasian benefitted from “top city staffers” who made the condo association give Batmasian 100 free parking spaces. The suit is looking for compensation for these parking spaces, and the allegations are putting more unpleasant information into the public eye. For one, it seems like there is a constant struggle between Boca Raton city officials and Batmasian. Batmasian is the largest owner of real estate in the City and as such he pays the most property taxes. Those taxes pay the salaries of the City officials. If he ever decided to not pay them, it would create a difficult situation for those people. Now eventually he would have to pay the taxes or lose the properties, and he would, but not before showing them who the boss was. You get the impression that he likes to throw his weight around with them, and you can see why he feels like he has leverage over them. Specifically, the lawsuit accuses the City “and its staff have gone so far as to fabricate public records, including a land use order… that takes Palmetto Place’s property without compensation,” according to lawyer Robert Hackleman who represents the condo association. This is going to be an interesting one and I will be following it closely. You will be able to read about the results here, as you might have already guessed. As always thanks for reading and have a great day.

Lawsuit alleges Boca developer Batmasian got city favors

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