What are they putting in the water in Miami? Whatever it is I want some because they are beyond on fire! I am surprised that they have not started bottling and selling it like Boca Raton did. Last week we talked about the return of Eastern Airlines to Miami. They had been out of business for 20 years or so and will be restarting operations there, focusing on Latin American travel routes. It was just announced that XL Airways France and Air Europa (a Spanish airline) will both be returning to Miami as well. This is great in case I ever want to start an airline company I will know which city to start it in! Both of these airlines stopped service here before, Air Europa in 2010 and it is unknown when XL originally discontinued service in the past. I don’t think there was any coincidence that Air Europa stopped in 2010, when the European recession was in high gear (maybe it is in middle gear now?). Clearly Miami is a popular destination once again for Europeans, adding to an already very international pot. What is really great about the Europeans is that they tend to travel here most in the summer, when they have their vacations. This is a great boost to the area since the majority of the tourism industry is mostly dead at these “off season” times. These airlines are discounters too, joining other discount airlines here that have enjoyed great success like JetBlue, Southwest and Spirit. There are plans to expand the airports in Ft. Lauderdale and Palm Beach, showing more evidence of the regions’ growth and recovery. The development in South Florida has always started in the South (Miami) and then runs North into Broward and Palm Beach counties. In those counties we are already enjoying the spillover in business, which is rapidly increasing. It is really simple. There is only so much space in Dade county. When they run out of space or things get too expensive, they must look North to either Broward or Palm Beach counties. It is starting to happen again and let’s hope it continues for years to come!

XL Airways France and Spanish airline Air Europa will return to Miami International Airport later this year.
XL Airways, a low-cost carrier, will offer three nonstop flights between Miami and Paris Charles de Gaulie Airport starting May 25, according to The Miami Herald. The service on a 408-seat Airbus A330-300 will last until Aug. 29.
Air Europa, which was last seen at MIA in 2010, will fly between Miami and Madrid on June 4. The flights will be three times a week on an Airbus A330-200 with 299 seats.
Until Aug. 17, the plane will arrive at MIA, fly round-trip to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic and then leave Miami for Madrid, according to the Herald.
After Aug. 17, flights will go directly between Miami and Madrid.
Two European airlines to return to Miami International Airport
Orin Rosenfeld
Rosenfeld Realty Advisors
9858 Glades Rd. Suite 209
Boca Raton, FL 33434